I seriously hope you're joking.Speak for yourself. I loved that game and want the NiGHTS series to try to step in that direction. Reala's own game. Guns, violence, cursing and doom. Muahahaha.
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Darker NiGHTS?
Posted 03 June 2008 - 08:00 PM
Posted 03 June 2008 - 09:36 PM
No, as a matter of fact, I am quite serious. I may be the only person in the fanbase who actually absolutely adored the Shadow game. Call me weird if you will, call me strange, call me insane. It doesn't matter. You stare because I'm different, and I stare because you're all the same.I seriously hope you're joking.
Posted 03 June 2008 - 11:19 PM
No, as a matter of fact, I am quite serious. I may be the only person in the fanbase who actually absolutely adored the Shadow game. Call me weird if you will, call me strange, call me insane. It doesn't matter. You stare because I'm different, and I stare because you're all the same.
But Shadow was such a good example on how not to make a videogame. And this is coming from someone who had all the optimism in the world when it was announced. =|
That said...
I'd probably lose all my faith in Sonic Team if they put weapons in Nightmarens' hands. The Night Dimension is just too...organic for that. When you can obliterate someone's existence merely by flying circles around them, you really don't need a gun.
Posted 04 June 2008 - 07:38 AM
Well, said comrade! but I think I've heard that somewhere before... ahh well... personnally I didn't like Shadow the Hedgehog not because it was dark but because the gameplay itself felt iffy ta me... I hated it when I would have to kill all enemies and later I would find I missed one... the multiplayer was also bad and the motorcycle looks cool... but thats all...It doesn't matter. You stare because I'm different, and I stare because you're all the same.
I wouldn't like guns in NiGHTS (unless for plot purposes for some ppl guns can be a terrifying thing they can kinda symbolize mankind's achievements in ways to kill one another) but I would like sega to put dog fights into NiGHTS jus ta see how it would end up... maybe throw blue ships at one another as NiGHTS or Reala?
Posted 04 June 2008 - 04:12 PM
Posted 20 November 2016 - 01:12 AM
(Journey of Dreams was my intro to the series, for clarification)
I think Journey of Dreams kind of tried to be dark,but fell flat.
We have:
- Wizeman repeatedly sending nightmaren to kill NiGHTS, or drag them back to nightmare kicking and screaming.
- Reala putting emphasis on "Wizeman's wrath"
- Reala threatened Will's life.
- Cruelty also shown to Reala despite loyalty.
- Implied that Cerberus would have mauled NiGHTS if it got it's teeth around them (Cerberus destroys everything in it's path, both NiGHTS and Reala fear it)
- Wizeman makes some pretty tall threats.
- Forcing NiGHTS to deny who they is, to become something else.
- Wizeman tries to tear NiGHTS's life straight out of them to replace it with a new one.
Basically; obey, or pain and death, which I assume is supposed to be taken in all seriousness.
But we also have:
- NiGHTS gets so easily captured only for them to suddenly become competent again, NIGHTS is one of the most powerful nightmaren in existence and they get grabbed by the arm by a bird, only to one-hit-KO it a moment later.
- Also Reala grabs NiGHTS by the collar...what.
- WHY did Reala threaten Will's life?
- NiGHTS seems surprised by their behaviour, how long have you known these asses, NiGHTS?
- Wizeman takes NiGHTS to replace their mind and just freaking leaves them.
Basically: NiGHTS doesn't struggle, when they're captured not much happens, threats don't get carried out.
Though Wizeman does strike NiGHTS once.
I kind of have mixed feelings about NiGHTS having a story,(because, supposed to be up to your interpretation and that), it's funny because I actually probably wouldn't be here if I didn't take interest in certain elements introduced in JoD, but that's another discussion.
I'd be interested in seeing a NiGHTS game more orientated towards nightmare, though it does seem that as such NiGHTS's past in nightmare would naturally come into question, which seems like it's going to be one helleva point of contention. It's one thing that definitely was supposed to be up for interpretation, it's also kind of supposed to be bygones, and it definitely shouldn't seem half-baked like JoD, so be careful for sure.
Posted 09 December 2016 - 06:34 AM
No, no. Im really happy where we are at theme wise. It already is a little dark and sad in NiGHTS games.
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