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Ever encounter NiGHTS?
Posted 07 December 2009 - 06:13 AM
Posted 07 December 2009 - 07:06 AM
EDIT: Well NiGHTS was a tiny piece of a dream I had this morning. However it didn't involve me and it didn't involve the actual NiGHTS character. It was some heavyset guy I never met sitting at his table, taking things out of a box. Two of those things were NiD for the Saturn and the 3D controller. That was it. I woke up feeling so disappointed.
Posted 10 December 2009 - 01:13 PM
I probably already posted in this thread (too lazy to check) but I can't dream about this purple mofo for nothing. I've been trying for years but it never works. I just don't get it. I play the games, listen to the music, and even come to these forums often but I can't encounter NiGHTS in his native territory. It's crazy and annoying. The last few dreams I had were about me killing some guy and hoping I was in a dream and the other dream was about two people kissing and one kept shifting from a man to a woman in a spastic way.
EDIT: Well NiGHTS was a tiny piece of a dream I had this morning. However it didn't involve me and it didn't involve the actual NiGHTS character. It was some heavyset guy I never met sitting at his table, taking things out of a box. Two of those things were NiD for the Saturn and the 3D controller. That was it. I woke up feeling so disappointed.
I had NiGHTS in my dreams once. It might help if you listen to NiGHTS music while you sleep, if you haven't tried that yet. You just need to hope that NiGHTS comes to you. Remember, NiGHTS has to try to make it into the dreams of other NiGHTS fans too. By the way, I've never played either game, but I still encountered NiGHTS. You just have to hope and pray that your efforts pay off someday. ^^ I can't remember what I was doing with NiGHTS, I just remember that I saw NiGHTS in my dream one day. My brother would kill me if he knew. 0.0;
Posted 11 December 2009 - 01:03 AM
Posted 11 December 2009 - 04:20 PM
Posted 11 December 2009 - 05:21 PM
Through constant attempts, I have also tried to encounter NiGHTS. But no hope. Maybe while I'm attempting this Lucid Dream project, I can find him. <3
Well, it's OK. It's not like we can control what we dream of. We just need to hope that NiGHTS realizes how much we want to meet him/her and show up in our dreams. ^^
Posted 06 January 2010 - 12:02 AM
Posted 07 January 2010 - 11:11 PM
We didn't dualize, but we did fly around together. The scenery looked like a cross between Crystal Castle, Aqua Garden, and Pure Valley from JoD.
The second time I met him (NiGHTS almost always sounds/ acts like a gentleman in my dreams, so I will always refer to him as male), he and I sang "Dreams Dreams" together. I also got to hug him :3 The scenery here was kind of like the NiGHTS pinball game board in Sonic Adventure.
Posted 06 March 2010 - 10:11 PM
in the second time,i dreamt i saw NiGHTS fighting reala,NiGHTS kicked reala in the face,made him hit the ground head first and kicked him to a wall while reala was laying on the ground,dizzy,reala got up and punched NiGHTS three times,knocked him down and tried to paraloop him making a giant circle,NiGHTS drill dashed reala,threw him to the middle of the room and paralooped him with a giant circle,making him hit the sort of roof in that room
both of the dreams were crazy,but i think the first one was better because i was flying alone
Posted 08 March 2010 - 08:20 PM
Posted 12 April 2010 - 02:36 AM
I am sure if I ever encountered NiGHTS, she would make fun of me or something XD
And the endless comment; I call her a "she" but I know it's not "female" or "male", I just think she resembles me more of a woman than a man, that's it.
After reading this section of the forum, I'm kind of interested in remembering more my dreams, because all I can remember now are nightmares or really "WTF" stuff that struck me as odd.
Posted 12 April 2010 - 11:32 PM
Definately keep a dream diary if you have the time! It can be fun reading back to the really crazy dreams that make no sense.I never encountered any character in a dream, though I'd like to!
I am sure if I ever encountered NiGHTS, she would make fun of me or something XD
And the endless comment; I call her a "she" but I know it's not "female" or "male", I just think she resembles me more of a woman than a man, that's it.
After reading this section of the forum, I'm kind of interested in remembering more my dreams, because all I can remember now are nightmares or really "WTF" stuff that struck me as odd.
Posted 18 April 2010 - 01:56 AM
Yes, and it helps you remember the little details you're sure to forget, even if the general idea of the dream is put in your long-term memory. I've read dream diary entries from two years ago and found parts of my remembered dreams that I'd forgotten had happened. I was like "Oh, seriously, that happened during that dream?" These forgotten sections often have a lot of bearing on the dreams, too.Definately keep a dream diary if you have the time! It can be fun reading back to the really crazy dreams that make no sense.
Posted 15 June 2010 - 06:22 PM
I had a dream two NiGHTS ago that i was walking in pure valley with NiGHTS, He was looking for reala for some reason. I think it was because he was hoping to talk reala into joining us or something like that. Anyways, Reala suddenly appeared in front of us and started staring at me with an evil smile for some reason. Then NiGHTS started looking a bit cautious and started to talk to reala, (Can't remember what he said...>_<) Then reala interrupted him and said: "I don't care about what you have to say! I am only interested in your dreamer!". Then in a flash, He flew towards NiGHTS and rammed into him and sent him flying backwards and flew towards me and snatched me up and flew off at high speed. I looked over reala's shoulder and screamed for NiGHTS to help me and saw that he was laying on the ground unconcisous. Then the next thing i knew, We were in nightmare. I demanded that reala tell me what was going on and what he was planning and he stroked my cheek and smiled again and said: "You're all mine now! I'm going to use you to kill NiGHTS and take over nightopia!". Then i said: "K-Kill NiGHTS!? You could never do that!", And he said: "Oh yes i can. Now that i have you my dear, Without you, He's powerless!", Then my dream ended. Needless to say, I woke up feeling very disturbed...Even though i think my dream didn't make much sense.
Sounds scary. I could've screamed if Reala had captured me too.
I had another Nights related dream about two nights ago. Reala made a cameo appearance in a fighting game and I wanted to play as him, but someone else refused. Isn't that silly?
Posted 02 August 2010 - 11:20 PM
Posted 03 August 2010 - 03:00 PM
Posted 08 August 2010 - 02:43 AM
^ That sounds cool in a scary way. It could be fun to have a level in a new NiGHTS game where you play as a dreamer pursued by Reala in what seems to be the waking world.
That would be cool actually. I kinda wish that would happen myself.
Posted 18 September 2010 - 03:23 AM
I don't clearly remember the first time, I wasn't really being myself, I was way out of character, so it kinda sucked.
I just want to point out that this is the second lucid dream i've had since buying that doll, and I never lucid dream any more... :/ the second involved running around a hospital inside an Inception-style dream-within-a-dream, because it was vitally important to a quest to save the world that i enlist the help of the woman who ran the euthanasia department. It was fun, I was followed around by all my friends and a dog.
Posted 11 October 2010 - 08:10 PM
Reala SUCKS, I will tell you this now.
Jackle kicks ALL of our sorry behinds though.
Seriously though, Reala DOES suck at poker. He is the worst I have EVER seen.
Posted 15 October 2010 - 12:31 PM
Posted 15 May 2011 - 06:26 AM
Posted 06 July 2011 - 04:42 PM
So I am not the only one. However, even during school I can't keep my mind off it. I had one heck of a time doing my Geography final and things about NiGHTS kept coming up. >.<
That happens to me in my english GCSE. One of the questions was 'Describe someone who has made a positive impact on you and what they did' I wrote about NiGHTS (well they didn't really specificy whether that someone was real or not)
I (in a way) have encountered Reala in a dream before or a someone claiming to be Reala, the trouble is that this 'Reala' was a priest. In my dream I was walking into a church where the priest was giving a service. he saw me and stopped the a service. He then ran over, grabbed me and shoved me into a library saying that he was Reala and demanding that I gave up my ideya.
I don't think it was really Reala but remember Nightmaren can shapeshift.
I wasn't lucid dreaming at the time so I couldn't fight back, I'm going to start soon...
Posted 06 July 2011 - 04:46 PM
I (in a way) have encountered Reala in a dream before or a someone claiming to be Reala, the trouble is that this 'Reala' was a priest. In my dream I was walked into a church when the priest giving a service stopped giving a service ran over, grabbed me and shoved me into a library saying that he was Reala and demanding that I gave up my ideya.
I don't think it was really Reala but remember Nightmaren can shapeshift.
I wasn't lucid dreaming at the time so I couldn't fight back, I'm going to start soon...
Interesting. When was this dream? Is it recurring in any way?
Get that priest to talk!
Posted 06 July 2011 - 05:04 PM
Posted 07 July 2011 - 12:45 AM
That happens to me in my english GCSE. One of the questions was 'Describe someone who has made a positive impact on you and what they did' I wrote about NiGHTS (well they didn't really specificy whether that someone was real or not)
I (in a way) have encountered Reala in a dream before or a someone claiming to be Reala, the trouble is that this 'Reala' was a priest. In my dream I was walked into a church when the priest giving a service stopped giving a service ran over, grabbed me and shoved me into a library saying that he was Reala and demanding that I gave up my ideya.
I don't think it was really Reala but remember Nightmaren can shapeshift.
I wasn't lucid dreaming at the time so I couldn't fight back, I'm going to start soon...
My goodness. So I wasn't the only Reala victim. Makes me wonder if he's comin' for me again.
Posted 07 July 2011 - 01:30 AM
Posted 08 July 2011 - 08:47 PM
Now thinking back I can remember some more of that dream (I'm not trying to milk it I've just had a short flashback) this priest dragged me into this small library that looked like something out of the Sims 2 (I mean with some of the bookcases featured in the game and wallpaper from Sims 2 Glamour Life stuff) with a window with the curtains drawn. I also remember a strange-looking boy sitting on a stool opposite us while Reala was demanding my ideya and now also that I would work for Wizeman.
Something strange happened, I can't remember what it was but suddenly this boy was leading me out of the church and onto this pier telling me to run as fast as I can.
Sorry I didn't mention this in my last post but I was quite tired at the time and my memory fails me when I am tired.
I'm going to take the advise from someone's previous post (apologizes to who ever it is) and listen to NiD tracks while in bed and see if that has an effect on my dream. I hate it that my dreams have to be so realistic, at one point in the past I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or not both in the daytime and at nighttime.
Posted 09 July 2011 - 12:02 AM
Posted 09 July 2011 - 09:16 PM
Does dualizing count as an encounter? I wasn't lucid in this dream but I do remember seeing NiGHTS and Reala (though not in priest form )
Posted 09 July 2011 - 09:20 PM
Posted 09 July 2011 - 09:38 PM
Posted 27 August 2011 - 02:03 PM
Posted 28 August 2011 - 06:11 PM
I think that does count.I'm not sure if this counts as seeing NiGHTS or not, because it was not personal at all. Recently I have been trying to get all the Dreamdrops in Journey of Dreams, and I played it for over an hour last night (Most of the time was spent in the Marine Escape level for Helen. If I ever find out who at Sega decided to put that one on top of the mast I'm going to... *gruesome threat I'll probably never carry out*). Anyway, I had not been to either Memory Forest or Crystal Castle yet, but in my Dreams last night I saw NiGHTS flying around and trying to hit the jewels that you need to to get the Dreamdrop in the crystal ball at the end of the stage. There were no other Nightmarens or anything, and I was not lucid or even present as myself, I just watched NiGHTS fly. *Sigh...*
I've recently had lots of NiGHTS encounters, in total 4.5 dreams involving NiGHTS (the .5 is because it was right at the end of a dream)
I'll share 3 of them with you, not to brag or anything but just to share
1. This happened on a flight from Toronto to San Francisco (all of these dreams do involve/were dreamt in San Francisco), I dreamt that I was dualized with Reala and we were hovering over the world while Jackle, Puffy and NiGHTS were making fun of Reala. Reala was getting very annoyed at them but couldn't do anything because we couldn't move, suddenly the PA woke me up, after a short while I fell asleep and in the same dream as before this time I was Lucid and we could actually move so we flew around the world a few times.
2. My best dream. I was in this old cinema going to see Harry Potter with my sister and my friend. I had excuse myself and went to the toilet but took a wrong turning and ended up in a room with someone I hate, just about I was about to deck this person but suddenly I became Lucid and this person disappearing. Thinking oh well I'll get you later I opened the nearest window shouting NiGHTS' name (as you do) and Lo and behold NiGHTS came flying towards the window. After a massive hug she asked me whether I wanted to go flying, I agreed and we went flying around San Francisco, past my aunt's house and paralooping the golden gate bridge.
Unfortunately I was starting to loose lucidness and we had to go back to the cinema. after flying around a random room for a few minutes My sister and my friend burst in and told us that the film was just about to start. I asked NiGHTS whether she wanted to see it, she agreed and loved the film. But she scoffed all the popcorn
3. This time I was on a blind-date game show with my sister when this guy arrived and started to chat me up calling himself Jackle. Intreged by his name I went along with it and agreed to go on a date with him to the beach. He came to the hotel I was staying at in an old car and wrapped head to toe in a sheepskin jacket. Because I am an idiot in my dreams I still decided to go with it.
Half way down Jackle suddenly stopped the car and in an attept to scare me he threw off the jacket and screeched at me. But instead it backfired and he got the glomping of his life. At that point he gave up with whole scarring me idea and revealed that Clawz was hiding in the boot, he then decided that we should go on a road trip, and it was awesome.
Posted 19 October 2011 - 11:52 PM
XD yeah, honesty is key to victory! o_O;
Say if NiGHTS were to visit me however, I have no idea how I would react, I would probably get excited and lose lucidity or I could be really calm and just uh, chill with him lol. But yeah it would be hard to identify him to be actually there, or literally a figment to our imagination. If you try to dream abut him, it probably wont be the real him but if it just kind of happens without warning, theres still always the chance it may not really be him but it just seems more significant. If theres anything I can say about visitors in my dreams, there is a particular Maren that has visit me 3 or 4 times while lucid, and thats obviously MiD and he has visit me on many occasions while awake, but not in the physical realm, and thats why its hard to explain lol.
wait... not to start a fight or anything (please no) or hurt feelings or sh!t.... butt..
do you guys think NiGHTS is real? like there from the beginning of time?
because i noticed you said something about it being you imagining NiGHTS or the "real" NiGHTS
Posted 20 October 2011 - 05:25 PM
Good question, we all that NiGHTS doesn't exist but somehow can exist, in our dreams etc.wait... not to start a fight or anything (please no) or hurt feelings or sh!t.... butt..
do you guys think NiGHTS is real? like there from the beginning of time?
because i noticed you said something about it being you imagining NiGHTS or the "real" NiGHTS
To be honest the NiGHTS that appears in our dreams is really just a memory that our minds have placed into the dream. That's what dreams are, memory jumbled together to create a story.
But personally it's always great to see NiGHTS as you can 100% guarantee that that dream is going to awesome
Posted 21 October 2011 - 01:51 AM
At least that's my logic.
Posted 21 October 2011 - 02:02 AM
Let's see: Naka said NiGHTS came to him in a dream. NiGHTS exists in dreams according to the games. Thus, if anyone is to dream about him, he's real.
At least that's my logic.
that's something a friend of mine once said actually. "if nights is a jester that exists in dreams, and he is in our dreams, he is is a jester that really does exist in dreams, and so he's real in a sense"
Isn't this complicated?
Posted 21 October 2011 - 01:32 PM
that's something a friend of mine once said actually. "if nights is a jester that exists in dreams, and he is in our dreams, he is is a jester that really does exist in dreams, and so he's real in a sense"
Isn't this complicated?
I'm going to add my two cents and insane logic to the discussion here...
I'd say the reaction of fans across the world has more or less proved NiGHTS exists. There is no logical explanation for what caused a short, childlike game to become so popular to the point where most of the fans' artwork and music seems to reflect it in some way. Heck, before I played JoD if I had read a plot summary or heard how it ended I would have thought it a kid's game that holds no value or meaning for me, but after actually playing it and seeing what NiGHTS is about I've lived with 'Dreams Dreams' in my head for four months.
Basic cause and effect: if the effect exists, there must be a cause, and if the most logical cause is not contradicted by evidence, the most logical cause is right.
Posted 21 October 2011 - 07:14 PM
I'm going to add my two cents and insane logic to the discussion here...
I'd say the reaction of fans across the world has more or less proved NiGHTS exists. There is no logical explanation for what caused a short, childlike game to become so popular to the point where most of the fans' artwork and music seems to reflect it in some way. Heck, before I played JoD if I had read a plot summary or heard how it ended I would have thought it a kid's game that holds no value or meaning for me, but after actually playing it and seeing what NiGHTS is about I've lived with 'Dreams Dreams' in my head for four months.
Basic cause and effect: if the effect exists, there must be a cause, and if the most logical cause is not contradicted by evidence, the most logical cause is right.
you're confusing me. I'm pretty sure NiGHTS isn't real in the real world, but is by default in our dreams to some extent.
So what's that mean exactly? that cause/effect thing at the bottom thar. you confuse me
Posted 22 October 2011 - 12:38 AM
you're confusing me. I'm pretty sure NiGHTS isn't real in the real world, but is by default in our dreams to some extent.
So what's that mean exactly? that cause/effect thing at the bottom thar. you confuse me
Heh, I did warn my logic is insane didn't I?
Let me see if I can give an analogy:
Let's say you have a pond in your backyard. If you go out one morning, you see quite a few ripples. You yourself didn't see or hear anything that got thrown in, but you know the expected result of something being thrown in would create ripples. Also, if your pond was circular enough and you saw it shortly after the rock was thrown in, you could tell where it had hit. That process, using what you see to predict what happened, is observing the effect(ripples) and deducing the cause(rock or other thing thrown in). I was just doing the same thing, but trying to prove something a little more complex using basic knowledge of how a human mind typically reacts. Also, I overanalyze things and jump to conclusions.
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