maybe this was brought up a long time ago
at around 8 minutes Master Shake puts on a jester hat that suspiciously resembles the stylish hat of our favorite dream jester NiGHTS
was this intentional? are the makers of ATHF secret NiGHTS fanatics? it just looks so similar that it had to be intended to resemble NiGHTS. i think sega should respond to that and have a special unlockable milkshake mask transformation for NiGHTS to look like Shake
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Master Shake purposefully dressed similar to NiGHTS?
Started by NOTiC, Apr 30 2007 12:43 AM
Posted 30 April 2007 - 12:43 AM
Posted 30 April 2007 - 12:51 AM
Ha ha ha!! I don't know about all that- it looks like a typical jester hat to me. But the thought of a Shake mask is really freaking funny!!
Posted 30 April 2007 - 12:58 AM
Err...I dont think so...Beside the fact that its purple.
Posted 30 April 2007 - 01:08 AM
It's very possible; other companies do it: Such as rips from Futurama and Family Guy. Though, ATHF is not known for doing that very much - at least, in such ways you'd know it.. now if he said anything to indicate dreams or whatever in that line, then I would be suspicious.
Posted 30 April 2007 - 01:11 AM
Normally, I would agree, but did you look at the hat? It doesn't really look like it. I've seen that insert stuff all over the place, though, you're right.It's very possible; other companies do it: Such as rips from Futurama and Family Guy. Though, ATHF is not known for doing that very much - at least, in such ways you'd know it.. now if he said anything to indicate dreams or whatever in that line, then I would be suspicious.
Posted 30 April 2007 - 01:34 AM
Normally, I would agree, but did you look at the hat? It doesn't really look like it. I've seen tht insert stuff ll over the place, though, you're right.
No I haven't seen the hat: My PC doesn't have good video loading systems. (Piece of crap back up..-kicks it-) But again, I was standing on a typical point of view of unbiased due to me not seeing it be all. -Nod- Danke.
Posted 30 April 2007 - 01:46 AM
now if NiGHTS wants to drink milkshake he/she is going to think about it 2 times O:
that was a funny XD but i think that it was just a coincidence B3 anyways would be great if NiGHTS appears in other cartoons XD
that was a funny XD but i think that it was just a coincidence B3 anyways would be great if NiGHTS appears in other cartoons XD
Posted 30 April 2007 - 02:07 AM
could somebody print screen it? |D my computer wont show the video~
Posted 30 April 2007 - 02:20 AM
could somebody print screen it? |D my computer wont show the video~
Its a very flat cartoon, it was probably also meant to have a third part hanging on the other side.
Posted 30 April 2007 - 02:28 AM
idk, it just looks so specific, there are 1230948 other ways they could have made that jester hat
Posted 30 April 2007 - 11:46 AM
ah! i've seen that episode! XD anyway, no i think it was just a coincidence really *nods*
Posted 30 April 2007 - 01:00 PM
I remember that episode to me it was just another ordinary jester hat.
Posted 30 April 2007 - 03:31 PM
Somehow I think not, jesters are pretty generic.
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