At any rate, here's a Dream Drop I created.
And I thought maybe you'd be interested in my Dream Keys.
Tell me what you think?

=O *likes the dream drop*
Soooooooo preeeeeeetty. :3
I love the dream drop! Did you make that yourself? Do you make glass?
*is mesmerized by the shinyness of the Dream Drop*
How do I buy it again?
Dream keys? I'm obviously missing something, care to explain this stuff?Anti-thesis to the Dream Keys.
Crap. Another reason to save up my cash...E-mail me at [email protected] and I'll be happy to discuss it with you.
Dream keys? I'm obviously missing something, care to explain this stuff?
I like shiny...........
*snaps back into reality... or whats reality for me...*
you seem ta be able ta find some pretty nice bits and pieces lyin around. there a store or something you buy this stuff from?
*admin-hat* Merged your topics, since the rule's one thread only for your own art. */admin-hat*
Those keys are nifty! Where did you get them?
Crap. Another reason to save up my cash...
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