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Shinaraz's Art

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I haven't logged in for a while. -_-

At any rate, here's a Dream Drop I created.

And I thought maybe you'd be interested in my Dream Keys.

Tell me what you think? :)




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=O *likes the dream drop*

Soooooooo preeeeeeetty. :3



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I love the dream drop! Did you make that yourself? Do you make glass?



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  • Interests:I like NiGHTS, Sonic games, the Nightmare Before Christmas (I wonder what would happen if Oogie and Reala met... hmmmm.....) Writing, drawing, art in any way, shape, or form, hard rock music, dancing wildly even though I can't dance for crap. I write poetry and lyrics (although they're not very good T__T) and comedy movies. I love the Dreamcast podcast that DiGi and TRiPPY put on. I also enjoy thinking outside the box. I'm what is known as a Meathead. I can laugh at myself, think outside the box, and smile. Meatheads are smarter than your average Joe, with much more common sense and the rare ability to find creative solutions to problems. My idol is a man named Jimmy Dolittle. Look him up ^.~
*is mesmerized by the shinyness of the Dream Drop*




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=O *likes the dream drop*

Soooooooo preeeeeeetty. :3

Thank you. :)

I love the dream drop! Did you make that yourself? Do you make glass?

:unsure: Unfortunately, I don't make glass. I bought the glass drop in a specialty bead store.

*is mesmerized by the shinyness of the Dream Drop*

Thank you.




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Very cool! great job! ^^



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  • Interests:If I'm on a NiGHTS themed forum, than what do you think my interests are!? Aside from that: Video games, drawing, writing songs, acting like an idiot, listening to the same bloody songs over and over, My fanmaren, and dreams are about it. :D
How do I buy it again?




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How do I buy it again?

PM me and I'll be happy to discuss it with you. ;)




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Anti-thesis to the Dream Keys. Unlock Your Nightmares

Saifer Dracondrali

Saifer Dracondrali


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Anti-thesis to the Dream Keys.

Dream keys? I'm obviously missing something, care to explain this stuff?

Saifer Dracondrali

Saifer Dracondrali


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I like shiny...........
*snaps back into reality... or whats reality for me...*
you seem ta be able ta find some pretty nice bits and pieces lyin around. there a store or something you buy this stuff from?



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*admin-hat* Merged your topics, since the rule's one thread only for your own art. */admin-hat*

Those keys are nifty! Where did you get them?



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  • Interests:If I'm on a NiGHTS themed forum, than what do you think my interests are!? Aside from that: Video games, drawing, writing songs, acting like an idiot, listening to the same bloody songs over and over, My fanmaren, and dreams are about it. :D

E-mail me at [email protected] and I'll be happy to discuss it with you. :blink:

Crap. Another reason to save up my cash...




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Dream keys? I'm obviously missing something, care to explain this stuff?

Just the "nightmare" version of the original dream keys I posted. Just something that was inspired by NiGHTS.

I like shiny...........
*snaps back into reality... or whats reality for me...*
you seem ta be able ta find some pretty nice bits and pieces lyin around. there a store or something you buy this stuff from?

Thank you for the compliment. The glass drop I found in a local bead store. You can general buy them online at places like Firemountaingems.com. The keys I found at Michael's (a craft store in the US) in the bead section where charms are.

*admin-hat* Merged your topics, since the rule's one thread only for your own art. */admin-hat*

Those keys are nifty! Where did you get them?

Whoops, sorry about that. >.<

The keys I purchased in the bead section of Michael's (a US craft store).

Crap. Another reason to save up my cash...

$15-$20US for a dream drop. I can make the wire copper, gold, or silver (I haven't found a place that carries a thick enough gauge wire that comes in other colors). And the necklace portion can be either hemp or leather. Leather cords cost a bit more, so that's where the or $20 comes in.



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  • Interests:If I'm on a NiGHTS themed forum, than what do you think my interests are!? Aside from that: Video games, drawing, writing songs, acting like an idiot, listening to the same bloody songs over and over, My fanmaren, and dreams are about it. :D
I'll see if I can scrape something up, and by that I mean beg my parents for cash. XD




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New NiGHTS jewelry!

Safeguarding My Ideya 01

Safeguarding My Ideya 02




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Ooh, pretty! That's very good craftsmanship. And a good idea. ;)




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I love all of these! Especially the dream/nightmare keys.

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