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I am creating a card game! YAY!

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I recently had an idea for a card game. It started as a fun little idea that I could create to play with my friends but soon, as the creative gears started to spin, it became so much more. Purgatory and I are spearheading the production but some of our other friends will be sure to help.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not sure if this is the proper place to post this topic because it doesn't have to do with NiGHTS (although he may make a cameo) but it DOES have to do with the nightmaren community here so I figured it wouldn't hurt posting it in this section since a lot of you may make an appearance! :D

The game is based on social activity and friendships. Let me start out by giving you the story: You play as the "new guy" who just moved into town/came out of seclusion and you start making friends. You join a social circle (or "circle" for short) and you quickly start making friends! Rival circles begin to compete against your circle for popularity and fame. As the new guy, you get wrapped up finding out about all the goings ons about the rivalry but you stand back as your newfound friends get into the "mix" and use their abilities to win over crowds, new friends, and fame.

Game mechanics: You draw characters from your deck and play them. These characters use cards and abilities to make more friends and gain rep, thus winning you the game. I won't go into how deep the system is, but it is based on a few existing card games including Legend of the 5 Rings, Magic the Gathering, and UFS. The point is, the character cards in the game are based on real life people and have traits and abilities just like them! I will start designing a bunch of cards based on people from each circle and one of the most important circles is the NiGHTS fandom! :D

I'm not sure how I will call the NiGHTS fandom but I've been calling them Nightmaren so far... :D

Anyways, I need characters to include into the Nightmaren circle so I come to ask you guys for your inclusion and ideas for the game. Remember, though: characters in this game are real life people, not NiGHTS fan characters! Later on I'm planning on making a system where you can create your own characters and circles! The advantage to being made NOW is that you will be slightly better than your custom character (That way the game will be balanced).

So please, tell me what you think about the game idea so far and tell me more about you if you want to be included in the game!

So far, characters in the Nightmaren circle that I plan on creating are:

Richard (Purgatory)
DiGi Valentine



    Crazy Regular

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Very interesting.. Ooh, what if the NiGHTS fandom was simply called Dreamers?

DiGi Valentine

DiGi Valentine

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Dreamers would be a better title, me thinks. But that's totally down to you, B-Movie man. :D

I will also be replying to your note in a little while. :D
So far, this sounds like a really interesting idea for a card game. It's kinda like having turf wars with rival crews...only in card form...and there's no bloodshed. Sweet! XD




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Dreamers is a GREAT title! I will immediately write that down as the working title!

And yes, DiGi, it really IS like turf wars! I wasn't thinking about it like that when I started creating the idea in my head, but now as it continues to evolve, it has definately become something like turf wars! The only thing that I'm not too sure about is not including blood shed because people now-a-days crave blood! I'm hoping the custom character system where people can make their own characters will make up for it!

Lastly, getting back on the topic of characters: if anyone wants characters made of them please let me know.



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Loren isn't really the biggest NiGHTS fan. I can hardly even talk to her about NiGHTS half the time, so I don't know if the Dreamer group is the best one for her. However, we can talk about that when you get over here. That is if you show up before I have to leave! >:0

SO yeah.. Help out, people! And don't make yourselves godly, or you'll get knocked down a peg! XD




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So I see no one is interested in being included into the game...

I'm wondering if you guys are confused by the concept or what it is I'm asking of you. Let me summarize:

I am making a card game similar to Magic: The Gathering but the game is about friends and social interaction with themselves and their rivals. That's the short end of it. I need more character cards and I am asking if you guys want to be included in the "Dreamers" group. If you are interested, all you have to do is tell me a little bit about your personality.

Since the Dreamers group is so small now (because I don't have any characters...) I have decided to make the Dreamers group not just the NiGHTS fandom, but a general group consisting of all fan peoples (such as the Dragonball fandom, Inuyasha fandom, Donnie Darko fandom, etc.) So if you are part of other fandoms, you will be excellent in this game!

So I hope it's easier to understand now...



    DreamWorld Detective

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I think we should change the name of my parents' house card to TWINKIE HOOOOUUSE!!!! *lol*

No seriously- everything is coming along pretty cool! I hope we can get more done soon. We need more people!




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Twinkie House... hehe...

I'm thinking about having a convention with all our developers this weekend and we will start building test decks and such. It would be REALLY helpful if anyone wants to have a card included for them before this weekend so we can tweek it and really make Dreamers the kind of powerful and majestic deck I'm hoping it will be.

I am also going to include a few fan characters in the card game as "Loners" maybe even include some in their own group (such as make a NiGHTS character in the Dreamers group) so that should be fun.

Purgatory- You're going to need to help us make the Purgatory card so we don't screw it up.

The game continues in full steam! Everyone help out as soon as you can! AT LEAST tell me if you are interested in being included in the game!




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Sai's a huge fan of card games, and this one sounds like a fairly nifty idea~ If y'all need any help with anything give me a shout.

But back to your character recruitment... not sure why no one else is signing up, but here goes Sai.


To put it bluntly, Sai is a personality vampire. Whenever he talks to anyone for any length of time he unconsiously takes on their mannerisms and eventually accents. He also refers to himself in the third person for some reason.
Perpetually happy, Sai is generally bouncy, hyperactive and hates it when people are unwilling to make an ass of themselves every once in a while. Constantly cracking jokes and being barely tolerably sarastic, it's generally pretty tough to get a straight answer of of Sai on serious matters. He also finds it virtually impossible to sick to deadlines, always leaving things to the last possible second.
On a less flattering note, Sai is also quite manipulative, thriving on the feeling of being in control of a situation when others think they are. He likes to be the centre of attention, but once he gets there, generally attempts to fade back into the background.
One of the paradoxical points of his personality is that in contrast to his constant bounciness, Sai is unbelivably patient and a perfectionist when it comes to crafts.


Not sure if that's what you wanted, but tell me if it's not and Sai'll try and fix anything. And no, I'm not roleplaying or anything, that be a fairly accurate snapshot of me.




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HAHAHA! Very cool, Sai! I will put you on the short list of characters that I have for Dreamers and we will see if you get picked for the final list of characters (which I wouldn't worry about, since no one HERE is interested in joining, it should be pretty easy to get in. The other groups are a little tougher to get into, to say the least!) :lol:

That talking in 3rd person thing may be an interesting mechanic in the game since there is also another person who does that. Since you guys are so unique in that way, I will try to mirror it in the game as well.

If you know anyone else who may be interested in joining the card game, give me a shout, okay? :blink:




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Glad to be of assistance! XD
As I said, any help you people need getting this off the gorund, give Sai a shout and he'll do what he can~

*looks at the rest of the board*

Now you boyos and girlos, lets get writing them bios! Do you really want Dreamers to be a minority?!

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