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TRiPPY's Art Projects

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That's really awesome TRiPPY : ) I love stumbling across old artwork you thought you had lost. I used to have a bad habit of deleting the .psd files I worked on after I'd finished the piece and saved it as a .png or that. I'd always regret it later, cause I like seeing how I did things or having bits of it easily available to manipulate. It's awesome you have WiP scans :P




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...Am I the only one thinking Jackle's a girl? I mean, the eyebrows, the sparkles, the way it looks like Jackie just got into a catfight with NiGHTS...if you can call the latter another female. If not, then just some siblings roughhousing when "Dad" isn't "home."

I dunno. I'm just weird like that.

Heh heh. Bat tights...



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Lol Jackle always reminded me of the nutty guy from A Clockwork Orange.

Noctourne Wonderland

Noctourne Wonderland

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I love how shiny your drawings look, TRiPPY. Jackle's so spaaaaaarklyyyyy~

Lol Jackle always reminded me of the nutty guy from A Clockwork Orange.

This is surreal...I *just* made a Clockwork Orange joke in the random thought topic. :o



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Part of me wants to say "TRiPPY's art is MADE OF WIN" but another part of me doesn't want to use internet-speak.
So let's just say it's super-awesome instead!




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Part of me wants to say "TRiPPY's art is MADE OF WIN" but another part of me doesn't want to use internet-speak.
So let's just say it's super-awesome instead!

Definitely second that. ^^

You know, now I have to wonder about Jackle's gender too, because of the above comments...



    Your Mum

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NiGHTS related commission I was working on today. Spinning Cannon's version of Selph:

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Awesomeness drool sequence initiating in 3... 2... 1...

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