I took a major vacation from the forum because of school, and particularly because of this particular project. In my illustration class we needed to photograph a still life, create a story for it, then render it photo-realistically in acrylic (8"x8").
Here is my render:
And here is the photo reference:
I'll get to the story for the piece later, but I can tell you rendering it was a HARD thing to do. ^^;; It dries so fast! But I'd rather work with acrylic than gouache, as I can never trust it not to lift off after drying. @_@
I'd really like a few tips on how to improve the wine glass in the lower right, and the brandy flask in the upper left. Those drove me up a wall. Comments and critiques welcome, and encouraged.
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Photo Render
Started by Lunis, Jan 08 2008 05:35 AM
Posted 08 January 2008 - 05:35 AM
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