I need...
A picture of Gillwing from the front,
Puffy from the side,
Gulpo from the side, his fish...things
Claws from the side, a mouse bomb from the front,
Jackle from the front,
Reala from the front,
Wizeman from the front.
I'm hoping to make a computer game if I can get a good enough reference of all the characters.
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I need some references...
Started by G_NJoD_07, Apr 26 2007 11:54 PM
Posted 26 April 2007 - 11:54 PM

Posted 27 April 2007 - 09:17 PM

Considering that the graphics for the game were not what they are today, possibly getting some game pics are a bit harder for some bosses. However, there are some rather nice artists out there who have taken the time and effort to draw out the bosses(especially Jackle and Reala from what I know of.) You could probably get a nice chunk of pics from here. Just use the search option and see if any of that works for ya.
Hope that helps!
Hope that helps!
Posted 27 April 2007 - 09:37 PM

Ok, here's what you gotta do. You gotta PM DB (deebs) and ask her to upload some of her artworks of the maren bosses. She does them amazingly. I still have some of her older drawings from back before we ever really knew each other. They provide fantastic reference.
Posted 28 April 2007 - 05:11 AM

Ok, here's what you gotta do. You gotta PM DB (deebs) and ask her to upload some of her artworks of the maren bosses. She does them amazingly. I still have some of her older drawings from back before we ever really knew each other. They provide fantastic reference.
What? There is more artwork of the bosses that she drewn and she has been holding out on us? D: Guess tha is not a shock. I am probably the only person who doesn't have much artwork and therfoe does not have a probelm with uploading pictures...
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