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The Ending

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heh, I must say I thuroghly enjoyed the ending myself... me being a huge NiGHTS fan, all my housemates now hate it because I'm so obsessive over it, so when I completed and told them that NiGHTS actually died and thus fulfilled all their wishes, no one would believe me XD

You beat Reala and then... nothing. You just go on to fight Wizeman, with NiGHTS acting as if the Reala fight never happened.

I figure that NiGHTS was in a bit of a rush to get back and stop the kids' Ideya from being destroyed by Wizeman.



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I figure that NiGHTS was in a bit of a rush to get back and stop the kids' Ideya from being destroyed by Wizeman.

Yeah, after watching the clip on Youtube I got the feeling there wasn't much time to react... The kids fly up to him, then we hear Wizeman and the world goes black. No time to think about someone you just defeated.




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It is a bit odd though, that Reala just "disappears" from the whole plot from that point on, I can imagine the hurried nature of the situation, but it seems more of an oversight or lack of time, as it just doesn't mesh or flow right.



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NiGHTS Journey of Dreams Battle?



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  • Interests:I like NiGHTS, Sonic games, the Nightmare Before Christmas (I wonder what would happen if Oogie and Reala met... hmmmm.....) Writing, drawing, art in any way, shape, or form, hard rock music, dancing wildly even though I can't dance for crap. I write poetry and lyrics (although they're not very good T__T) and comedy movies. I love the Dreamcast podcast that DiGi and TRiPPY put on. I also enjoy thinking outside the box. I'm what is known as a Meathead. I can laugh at myself, think outside the box, and smile. Meatheads are smarter than your average Joe, with much more common sense and the rare ability to find creative solutions to problems. My idol is a man named Jimmy Dolittle. Look him up ^.~
I still think they could have done better with that fight. The Wizeman fight, I mean, not the Reala one. I liked the Reala one. Again, I'm probably the only person in the fandom to admit to it. Anyway, I think they could have UBER EPIC SIZED that Wizeman battle a little more. For a god, he sure wasn't showing many god-like abilities. If he were really a god, he'd try to pimp slap you with his SIX hands or something. I mean, come on. With six hands, pimp-slapping two identical jesters only a tenth of your size shouldn't be that hard. Lazy ass. He thinks just cause he's a god that he can laze around. I'm not even that lazy. [/rant]




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Ooh! O.O I beated the whole game with C rank and higher.


I do hope another sequel comes out soon or something, even for the DS! XD

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Reala ran off to cry in the corner cause he realized that no matter how DARN sexy he is, he just is not as good at throwing mare baloons as NiGHTS and never will be. :) Poor sexy maren.




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I dunno, I think the whole Reala thing, as thrown off to the side as it was after you defeat him for the last time, he was really just a lackey and the game treated him that way. But, I think in how brief everything was, hopefully that leaves room open for another game where you have to face him.

Or... NiGHTS is probably dead, so all of this just goes right out the window. -.-


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It's all up to your imagination. NiGHTS isn't dead! Helen/Will just happened to wake up, but that doesn't mean other children are going to visit NiGHTS in their dreams, or Helen/Will again for that matter.

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