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NiGHTS is out! But....

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I saw it on amazon.com and walmart.com, but when I went to the walmart close by it wasn't there, there wasn't even a slot for it! :(




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Are you in the midwest or the east coast??
My sister and I went to get the game today as well, but we couldn't pick it up because the shipment hasn't come in yet. When a game releases in the US, it releases on the west coast and is shipped out east. Since we live in the midwest, our Gamestop doesn't get NiGHTS in until tomorrow, or the next day. :(




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Are you in the midwest or the east coast??
My sister and I went to get the game today as well, but we couldn't pick it up because the shipment hasn't come in yet. When a game releases in the US, it releases on the west coast and is shipped out east. Since we live in the midwest, our Gamestop doesn't get NiGHTS in until tomorrow, or the next day. :(

Midwest....US....haha, midwest, US....




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I live in Canada and apparently we won't be getting it until Dec 19...just one more day I guess :(;;




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Yeah... usually the day the game releases is when the game is being shipped to the stores... try the next day or the day after ^-^ or if you want to avoid wasting gas because they are so high... call the stores and ask. ^_^



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I preordered it on the 18th, got it today. But of course, I have to wait till Christmas. I have mentioned my problem on other threads, and I'll mention it again. My mother loves things to be a surprise. *sigh*




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*bites own hand* rawr, you guys are lucky, I have to get a Wii and NiGHTS: JoD For X-mas and I think my wish will be granted this year, but If it isn't I think I'll cry! DX But on the bright side, no school for a few weeks...




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That ticked me off. I waited that day, with high hopes of playing JoD. I called gamestop and they said they didn't have it.. "It ships today, but we're getting it tom." ARGGGG!!!!!!!!! Thus I had to wait another day. Once in my possession, I beat that sucker in one day XD I had so much fun :3

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