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This is a place where you can post your NiGHTS into Dreams-related pictures and discuss them with other members of the forum!
There are a few things to keep in mind though:

* Make one thread for your own art. This way the forum doesn't get cluttered, and other members can easily see all of your art without having to scurry all over the forum.

*If you want critique, ask for it - but only if you think you can handle it. Critique means people will ( most of the time) tell you exactly what works and what doesn't.
That said, critique =/= "This and this sucks!". It means that you mention BOTH what can be improved and what's good as it is. After all, it's difficult to work on improving if the only thing you hear is that you suck. Be polite!

* Only post art that you made yourself!
Because art theft makes no one happy. If you want to showcase someone else's art, post a link. No directlinking

and lastly, something VERY important:

* If you want to have your art featured on the website you need to add it to the subs forum!
You are free to post your own art here as much as you want, but that doesn't mean it will be automatically featured on the website.



    Dreamworld Police

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And since we didn't make it obvious...

*Only NiD-related artwork please! Sonic Team-related art is border case, but we prefer if you only posted NiGHTS-related things here. The rest should either be posted here or on you DA (or artsites like it).

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