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the iMPERFECT MAREN's Art Thread

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  • Location:Scenic Chavland, United Kindom. Just passed the Burned Cars...
  • Interests:Composing/Writing/Getting Inspired by/Listening AND Criticising music, drawing, reading, comics, cartoon, playing video ga... You get the idea.
Before you ask, the "iMPERFECT MAREN" are the 4 (Technicly 5, but i'll explain about that Later...) Fanmaren of mine that will be used in my "NiGHTS Ghostmare" Story. As the name, they where Created by Wizeman to serve him, but 3 of them have Defects witch stop them from Being Very Useful. 2 of them where Cast out, one still Remains. The 4th is Supposed to be the Dream Equvilent of an Angel, but due to heir Birthright and Reason for Existence, she is stopped from being "Perfect" and thus is Still technicly counted as being Imperfect, despite having no Pysichal, Mental or Personality Faults. And the 5th is a Sub-Maren creture and the Tituler Antagonist in the Stories Title. That aisd,e only the main 3 have been drawn so Far. I expect to draw the other 2 at some point later on.

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And heres some Small Bio's on them... Reposted from DA:

Personality: Shy, Scared, Upset, Timid (NEGATiVE Form- Angry, Demonic, Evil, Saddistic and Machoistic)
Defect: To Afraid/ Nice to cause harm to anyone (NEGATiVE Form- Way way WAY to Evil)

iGNiZ Is an incredibly Timid young Maren- Formed in the shadow of NiGHTS. He was supposed to Replace after NiGHTS Went Renagade, and Wizeman used the Left-Over evil from NiGHTS To Form half of iGNiZ's Spirit. Because of the fact this "Side" (Dubbed "NEGATiVE iGNiZ" by Jackle and NiGHTS) causes suffering to the People Around him (one of iGNiZ's greatest Fears...) and even iGNiZ HIMSELF, And the added effect of the Dire Hatred Reala has to him, Jackles Constent Teasing, and Wizemans Barking orders and Overconfidence in him has caused him to become Scared, Shy, and Timid. He has never had a Real Friend of his own, because everyone- Even fellow 'Maren are afraid of him.

Personality: Happy, Peppy, Sweet, Kind
Defect: Always Happy and way to Kind- Dislikes evil to an extent of Hatred

BiJOU was another Cloning... This time a Splicing experiment by crossing ';pian Genes with A Class 'Maren... as such, this has caused BiJOU to be incredibly Nice, Sweet and Gentle. Wizeman threw her out before Reala or Jackle could take any acknowlagement in her Exitence. She find's iGNiZ Crying alone in Breeze Canyon, and Immedietly takes a Distinct liking to him. She feels she has to Protect him, care for him as a Friend, Sister and Mother... Showing him the affection he has always Wanted. However, due to her despise of hatred, she Hates NEGATiVE iGNiZ And constently tried to find a way to beat it and Get rid of it... Yet she is also deeply afraid of this side... So much that most of her Sleeps after seeing this form and after feeling it's Black Auora are Restless.

Personality: Completely batshit INSANE... Yet Very Clever.
Defect: Read Above.

It's anyones Guess as to what Wizeman was Thinking when he Created CROSS. He was experimenting with Jackles Genes, seeing what would happen if only the Hyperness and Limited mentality was Left, yet blessing it with inteligence... the Result was a Completely CRAZY-ASS-MAD-PANTS 'Maren that's always begging to Fight Evil, trying to cheer anyone up (Although BiJOU often points out that this should be HER job...) Yet through all this, She is the one that comes up with the iMPERFECT MAREN's Stratigies and Plans. Wizeman had NO second thoughts atThrowing her away immedietly after she Exploded in a hyper fit of Excitement, never Acknowalging her Inteligence.

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