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Ahhh... Late night NiD FTW... Getting it on Steam is one of the best decisions I ever made; though it will never replace my Saturn.
Feb 22 2013 07:49 AM
Mythic → Musashi_HUmar
If I'm not mistaken, today's your birthday! Happy birthday, dude! :D
Nov 07 2010 07:40 PM
Musashi_HUmar → HunterTSF
Hi there! Welcome to our forums! I hope you enjoy all the time you spend here with us chatting about the coolest purple wearing jester ever! :)
Jan 29 2010 02:34 AM
Musashi_HUmar → Nickno
Hi there! Welcome to our forums! I hope you enjoy all the time you spend here with us chatting about NiGHTS! :)
Jan 24 2010 05:40 AM
Musashi_HUmar → dreamynights99
Hi there! Welcome to our forums! I hope you enjoy all the time you spend here with us discussing the coolest purple clad jester ever! :)
Jan 15 2010 10:16 PM
LuketheXjesse → Musashi_HUmar
Go get http://www.ibanez.com/ElectricGuitars/model-RG770DX instead.
Jan 08 2010 05:47 PM
Musashi_HUmar → LuketheXjesse
Well my good guitar is an Epiphone Les Paul Slash Signature model. That thing is beast, I swear. Now all I really need is some better amplification.
Jan 08 2010 04:39 PM
LuketheXjesse → Musashi_HUmar
I can't even afford a good guitar! Oh if only I could have that Carvin V220...I suppose a new car is more important however...
Jan 07 2010 02:16 AM
Musashi_HUmar → LuketheXjesse
That is an Epiphone SG Special that I taped a bunch of fortunes from fortune cookies onto. It is not an especially good guitar, seeing as I got it really cheap new.
Jan 05 2010 08:12 PM