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God I need to be online more!Thanks guys, I appreciate the b-day comments!
Sep 02 2007 08:37 PM
~Tsuki~ → PRiNCE
*huggles* Happy Birthday to you~! <3's~ ^__^ Hope you have a wonderful one.
Aug 23 2007 04:21 AM
Not good right now. I'm trying to get a myspace to talk to my friends during the summer, and it won't let me join. ARGH!
May 16 2007 09:55 PM
I like Ulala for the game, not the looks. And I'm a guy. Imagine the teasing, lol. Oh, SQUEEEPIE!
May 01 2007 11:39 PM
Misaki-chan → PRiNCE
Ulala rocks. Dance, ray guns, and fashion. What's not to love?
Oh, and your avatar is evil, too. XD
Apr 30 2007 07:40 AM
Oh, and your avatar is evil, too. XD
PRiNCE → YamiLover13
Well, hello there! I must say something random... SQUEE! *scurries off*
Apr 29 2007 12:25 AM