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Lavos → Musashi_HUmar
Yeah. The SNES version just felt a lot more fluid. The PS port felt kinda clunky.
But those anime cutscenes were quite nice.
May 04 2008 12:29 AM
But those anime cutscenes were quite nice.
Musashi_HUmar → Lavos
Plus, I like the way the music sounds on the SNES version better. Also, the graphics on the PS1 version look a little funny.
May 03 2008 09:00 PM
Lavos → Musashi_HUmar
I have both and played 'em both through to completion. The SNES version is indeed better, mostly because of the PlayStation's loading times.
May 03 2008 08:58 PM
Musashi_HUmar → Lavos
Which version do you have? SNES or PS1? I have the SNES version. Personally, I like it better.
May 03 2008 07:39 PM
Musashi_HUmar → Lavos
Happy birthday, man! I'm guessing by your user name, that you like Chrono Trigger?
May 03 2008 02:29 AM
Lavos → KatKitoshi
XD, wow. Now that I think of it, I've never heard anyone say anything positive about their 17th year. *scared*
Heh, jk. Thanks! :)
May 03 2007 12:42 AM
Heh, jk. Thanks! :)