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Community Status Updates
The UK can't take a break this year. Hearts and Prayers go to those affected in London. Btw thanks for 5k views. Seriously? My wall is boring ;-;
Jun 04 2017 10:08 PM
4k views already!? But... but why? ;-; Anyways, hearts and prayers go to those affected by the Manchester bombing. <3
May 23 2017 06:18 PM
What? 3k already? Well damn :o. Anyways, what do you think of this guy's theory about the comeback of NiGHTS? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGS69uprnrc
May 12 2017 01:42 AM
Wow I really wish more members were active. I joined many years too late ;-;
Apr 15 2017 01:03 AM