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The wise Kitsune → EZEKiAL
I know what you're talking about...hm. Let me think...
Jul 10 2009 07:26 PM
EZEKiAL → The wise Kitsune
Hey, do you remember what the lightning tiger things from NiGHTS 1 were called?
Jul 10 2009 07:25 PM
EZEKiAL → The wise Kitsune
Hey, sorry I wasn't on last night. I've been sleep deprived and I fell asleep for about twelve hours. O_o
Jul 10 2009 07:18 PM
EZEKiAL → The wise Kitsune
Wow, I posted a comment on my own page.
I forgot my password. T_T
Jul 09 2009 06:43 PM
I forgot my password. T_T
The wise Kitsune → EZEKiAL
Mindoe: *is glomped*
I've been in chicago and louisville! Traveling, i guess.
Jul 09 2009 06:37 PM
I've been in chicago and louisville! Traveling, i guess.
EZEKiAL → The wise Kitsune
Scykle: -glomps Mindoe-
So, where've you been for the last month?
Jul 09 2009 06:35 PM
So, where've you been for the last month?