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Community Status Updates
CrazyInABottle → TRiPPY
Good morning Trippy! Or perhaps good afternoon? It's morning here.
I finally decided to get back on here to see how the site is holding up and thought I'd drop in on some old friends to say hello.
Jul 12 2009 03:23 PM
I finally decided to get back on here to see how the site is holding up and thought I'd drop in on some old friends to say hello.
CrazyInABottle → Lenneth
Hey stranger! Finally decided to get back on the site here and see how everyone is doing.
Jul 12 2009 03:22 PM
CrazyInABottle → TRiPPY
Hey Trippy, remember me? I finally got some time to come back to the site! Everything still going well?
Jul 02 2008 03:37 PM
CrazyInABottle → ~Tsuki~
Thanks! I may not be around a lot, but it's still nice to feel welcome!
Aug 12 2007 03:01 PM