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Community Status Updates
SmashQueen → Kori
Since you said you were interested, I thought you should know that "NiD Chronicles" (based on the e-Bay thing) is up. Either look in my sig for the link or look up "SmashQueen" on ff.net. ^^
Oct 19 2009 11:39 PM
Level 99 → Kori
1) happy belated birthday!
2) you're crazy-awesome for that bid on the plushie
Oct 16 2009 12:17 PM
2) you're crazy-awesome for that bid on the plushie
Kori → Nemoide
Haha thank you! Although my bank account refuses to answer my calls now. XD I guess there's no hope of marketing an adorable rabbid eh? LOL
Oct 16 2009 03:13 AM
Nemoide → Kori
I feel compelled to tell you that you are awesome for winning the NiGHTS plush. JUST SO YOU KNOW!
(Also your sig creeps me out in the best possible way.)
Oct 16 2009 03:10 AM
(Also your sig creeps me out in the best possible way.)
Kori → Dreams
XD Mayhaps a Reala suit works better for the rabbids then? Thanks tho! X3
Oct 16 2009 03:10 AM
Noctourne Wonderland → Kori
Happy birthday! :)
I want to make the planning/advertising area for the NiGHTS house RP. How was the asylum you were involved with work?
Oct 12 2009 09:23 PM
I want to make the planning/advertising area for the NiGHTS house RP. How was the asylum you were involved with work?
KittyWhiggles → Kori
Thankyou for the comment. yes, NiGHTS is doing the Noodle dance ^^
Nov 05 2007 06:53 PM