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Register now to gain access to all of our features. Once registered and logged in, you will be able to create topics, post replies to existing threads, give reputation to your fellow members, get your own private messenger, post status updates, manage your profile and so much more. If you already have an account, login here - otherwise create an account for free today!
Community Status Updates
I remember when this website was incredibly active and constantly updated. It must be understood, however, that all things that were once full of energy must rest at some point just as all people who have created something must move on in their lives to create even more. I'm glad this website and forum were made. The fine people here introduced me to all types of new music, anime, etc. I'm so happy to be a part of this fanbase even if we aren't as lively as we once were. One day,...
Jun 20 2014 01:00 AM
iLLViLLAiN → Nyx
lol I just said happy birthday by accident. I'm pretty tired right now but again thank you
Jul 09 2012 02:30 AM
Thank you and happy birthday to you too. I hope yours is going well.
Jul 09 2012 02:29 AM
SmashQueen → iLLViLLAiN
My old computer couldn't get online for the past 7 months so I just saw your message that was posted in December. Thank you. :> (This new profile layout was a bit confusing at first. @_@)
Jul 05 2012 11:44 PM
My old computer couldn't get online for the past 7 months so I just saw your message that was posted in December. Thank you. :>
Jul 05 2012 11:43 PM -
You're welcome and 7 months? I don't think I could last that long haha
Jul 06 2012 11:03 AM
iLLViLLAiN → Empa
You're totally lucky to share the same birthday with NiGHTS :)
Jul 06 2011 02:44 PM