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LuketheXjesse → Musashi_HUmar
Go get http://www.ibanez.com/ElectricGuitars/model-RG770DX instead.
Jan 08 2010 05:47 PM
Musashi_HUmar → LuketheXjesse
Well my good guitar is an Epiphone Les Paul Slash Signature model. That thing is beast, I swear. Now all I really need is some better amplification.
Jan 08 2010 04:39 PM
LuketheXjesse → Musashi_HUmar
I can't even afford a good guitar! Oh if only I could have that Carvin V220...I suppose a new car is more important however...
Jan 07 2010 02:16 AM
Musashi_HUmar → LuketheXjesse
That is an Epiphone SG Special that I taped a bunch of fortunes from fortune cookies onto. It is not an especially good guitar, seeing as I got it really cheap new.
Jan 05 2010 08:12 PM
Level 99 → LuketheXjesse
your interests made me lol. These are the people that have been so motivating that Lucid Dreaming is gonna turn out fantastic. We'd better not disappoint!
Nov 17 2009 03:14 PM
LuketheXjesse → Level 99
Nov 17 2009 06:24 AM
Musashi_HUmar → LuketheXjesse
Hi there! Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy all the time you spend here with us discussing NiGHTS! :)
Nov 14 2009 09:26 PM
Level 99 → LuketheXjesse
Oh dear...you're here. HAHA! Welcome, buddy! It's nice seeing other ReMixers from the Lucid Dreaming project showing up.
Nov 14 2009 07:52 PM