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Community Status Updates
TORiAS_the_fallen → KUROi the dreamer
>< Sorry, I've been busy w/ my out of home business!
Nov 13 2009 08:42 PM
Dark_Jester_Reala → KUROi the dreamer
hey! im so sorry for the reply. i been on and off recently so busy do to the holidays making tons of plushies @-@ but i wante to say thank you for accepting my friend request <3 all you people are so lovely on here <333 how are you doing today ^^
Oct 29 2009 07:11 AM
KUROi the dreamer → Dark_Jester_Reala
Hello hello hello! Welcome to ta fourms!! =^_^=
Oct 25 2009 03:34 AM
EZEKiAL → KUROi the dreamer
I'm going to see if I can use my mom's scanner this weekend.
Oct 16 2009 12:38 PM
KUROi the dreamer → InTheNightlight
U and me are kinda the same. That's weird....
Oct 14 2009 07:26 PM