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Dex la Cabra → Kamui
i know right! XD just finished the Lost Frontier last week aswell! :P
Feb 09 2010 08:44 PM
Kamui → Hunnid
Hi there, and welcome to the forum! Hope you have fun with us and NiGHTS! :3
Dec 10 2009 04:44 AM
You totally need to make a NiGHTS-hat progression X3 I can't wait to see you do your next one!
Dec 06 2009 06:31 AM
Kamui → jonboy101
Hi there, and welcome to the forum! Hope you have fun here with everyone and NiGHTS! :3
Nov 21 2009 05:41 PM
I won! lol
Good game! You had me worrying throughout most of the race! :D
Nov 20 2009 12:06 AM
I won! lol
Good game! You had me worrying throughout most of the race! :D
Lol, spike-attracting ability. XD
We shall see the outcome! And I have sent out a chime and lol, NiGHTS is waiting impatiently. XD
Nov 20 2009 12:00 AM
We shall see the outcome! And I have sent out a chime and lol, NiGHTS is waiting impatiently. XD
Zenny-DoLL → Kamui
yeah, I totally remember seeing you somewhere on there! o.o I have good memory.. ;D
Nov 15 2009 09:41 PM