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Community Status Updates
Inubu → Sandy
Happy Birthday!
"This is your birthday song,it isn't very long." The end.XD
Dec 05 2009 09:44 PM
"This is your birthday song,it isn't very long." The end.XD
Inubu → JaxTH
Yay!But i'm going up to Clear lake tomorrow and will be gone for a week...dang.>>
But i'll be back as soon as I walk through the front door.*Hugs*
Nov 25 2009 06:56 AM
But i'll be back as soon as I walk through the front door.*Hugs*
Inubu → viperxmns
Happy Birthday!Blow out the candels and stuff your face with cake.
Nov 25 2009 06:02 AM
Inubu → Kichigai
Hey,best of luck with coloring Englebaum,I know you're doing great.
Nov 20 2009 09:41 PM
Inubu → JaxTH
Hello?You were looking for me yesterday right.Sorry,after the site went down I thought the forums were down too.I'm back though and supporting the NiGHTS campaign.You in too right?
Nov 20 2009 08:25 PM