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Community Status Updates

EZEKiAL → MagicPickleFairy
Happy Birthday, apparant Fairy of Magical Pickles! Or...um...Magical Fairy of Pickles? Pickle of Fairy Magic? ...anyway, Happy Birthday!

MagicPickleFairy → Narco
Hey Narco, I' doing very well. Sorry that it took me a while to respond. I've been offline for quite a while.

MagicPickleFairy → Narco
Hey, yeah, I know you! Thanks for the comment!
Do you mean chatting as in over AIM or MSN or here on NiD? I'm happy to talk either way. :)
Do you mean chatting as in over AIM or MSN or here on NiD? I'm happy to talk either way. :)

Narco → MagicPickleFairy
Hey Pickle! It's me NiGHTS212 from Gaia! :3 Hope we can chat later!

Musashi_HUmar → MagicPickleFairy
I'm doin' pretty good. Just more music stuff and thinking about your movie and spending time talking to my gf.

MagicPickleFairy → Musashi_HUmar
I'm doing fine. The only big thing that I have is Act III of my Beat Sheet.
What's up with you?
What's up with you?

Musashi_HUmar → MagicPickleFairy
Wanna talk on AIM some time to discuss the movie and other stuff?

MagicPickleFairy → TRiPPY
Thanks for the comment on my name. It takes me a long way back.
I also really like your name! It's very NiGHTS like in a sense, and very catchy.
I also really like your name! It's very NiGHTS like in a sense, and very catchy.