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Ana-mana-mate → ^_^ Go Dreamer
Aww thanks for wishing me a happy birthday and the hug^_^
Apr 21 2008 07:18 AM
Ana-mana-mate → TRiPPY
Nice to see you're back and congratulations on the book!
Feb 29 2008 10:04 AM
Ana-mana-mate → foxboy39
Lol thanks for the link, very funny, I remember seeing that from ages ago:D Nice Megaman signatues by the way
Sep 05 2007 06:28 AM
foxboy39 → Ana-mana-mate
Just copy and paste the link into your URL, and watch!
Sep 05 2007 02:03 AM
foxboy39 → Ana-mana-mate
Hi! Just thought you would be interested in this clip (because of your Never-Ending Story picture)
Sep 05 2007 02:02 AM
CORNSiLK → Ana-mana-mate
I just have to say that I LOVE your personal photo! XD
May 08 2007 04:18 PM