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Community Status Updates

~Tsuki~ → EZEKiAL
Hey Zeke! I'm back on the forums again. lol Looks like you've been gone for a while too. XD You should come back as well. :B

Shatter → ~Tsuki~
Yea, I've been trying my best to re-make or play Dreams, Dreams on it. All I need is a decent recording system and I'll be set. HEY. I'll bet if you and I teamed up, we could totally remix Dreams, Dreams!
Your welcome for the b-day wishes! x3
Your welcome for the b-day wishes! x3

~Tsuki~ → Dark Magician
Meow~~ Thankies much for the Birthday wishes! <3 >^__^<

~Tsuki~ → EZEKiAL
And you sir have been absent from MSN messanger! ^__~ I'm baaack. <3 Thanks for the Birthday wishes Zeke! *hugs* Hope you're doing good!

~Tsuki~ → Shatter
Aah! You play the flute too. <3 When I was in school that was the instrument I played. Still do on occasion as I still have it. lol It's such a pretty sound.~
Thanks again for the Birthday wishes! ^-^
Thanks again for the Birthday wishes! ^-^

EZEKiAL → ~Tsuki~
But...erm...it seems as though you haven't been on in awhile! Please come back!
But...erm...it seems as though you haven't been on in awhile! Please come back!

~Tsuki~ → Tails Doll
Happy Birthday~! *gives you cake* Hope you have an awsome one and get everything you wish for. <3's~ ^__^