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Not much. Using all the time I don't spend being a freshman on the internet. Can't believe I totally forgot about NiD.com.

NNR07 → Zero-Shift
Random stop-by! Hello!
Hmm, I feel as if i have seen your gasmask photo somewhere before...
Hmm, I feel as if i have seen your gasmask photo somewhere before...

your mod is so cool! you must be awesome at that stuff and a really great artist!

NNR07 → YamiLover13
They are a very, very yummy snack. Indeed.
Especially if they happen to be Kyra's special purple and black candycanes 8D!
Especially if they happen to be Kyra's special purple and black candycanes 8D!

NNR07 → GarnetPrincess
Yeah ^_^;; . I might get around to setting one up soon 8D!

GarnetPrincess → NNR07
Your welcome, anytime. You should have a few staff to keep things up when you away from the wiki. It would take the load off a little.

NNR07 → GarnetPrincess
Ah. Thanks 8D.
Yeah... I haven't been checking there a whole lot X_X. Thanks though... I need to build up a group of editors sometime XD;; .
Yeah... I haven't been checking there a whole lot X_X. Thanks though... I need to build up a group of editors sometime XD;; .

GarnetPrincess → NNR07
Hiya. I just recently came across the NiD Wiki you started at Wikia and I started contributing to it. It was too quiet. Just though you should know. ^^