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Community Status Updates
Sierra → Nellie Francis
No plagiarizing the Book of Bayonetta unless I get credit/get to help write it. :P
Apr 05 2010 03:00 PM
Sierra → Saifer Dracondrali
Sure, understandable. Just come to me if you have a fit of boredom and nothing else to do, and I can let you have a look at it.
Feb 10 2010 07:33 PM
Saifer Dracondrali → Sierra
To be honest I never did get into Roleplay, but I haven't tried it with the best crowd... I've been telling people that I'll give it a second chance but I just haven't found the time... I'm just waiting for my program so I can try my hand at 3-D artwork...
Feb 09 2010 02:05 AM
Lenneth → Sierra
Awww how cute xD Well I really like Symphonia as well, but I think that I prefer Eternia a little bit over it. And the tiny fraction of Vesperia I've played seems so promising it could even beat that :D
Feb 03 2010 08:14 PM
Sierra → Lenneth
Symphonia. ^^; I have a little Kratos on my desk to prove it. XD
Feb 03 2010 04:03 PM
Noctourne Wonderland → Sierra
You're not allowed to die until after Fandom into Dreams starts! xD
Jan 01 2010 06:34 PM