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Wow I really wish more members were active. I joined many years too late ;-;
Apr 15 2017 01:03 AM
There's something sinking deeper right under my skin Like a new born child I'm starting over again. There's something 'bout the weather that's shining the sun. Like a first time love baby I'm ready to run. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zo2npljnknw
Apr 13 2017 04:55 PM
The NiGHTS Shadow pic. Made it myself. Photoshop is great isn't it <3
Apr 13 2017 01:30 PM
Can't really tell if people look at my profile... or I just hit F5 too many times :P
Apr 12 2017 09:47 PM
Hmm... still new here, despite me registering to this site nearly 3 months ago... still a newbie, yet been into NiGHTS for more than a year now. Lol most of you have been for 10+ :P.
Apr 12 2017 04:46 AM
Indigo Skies
NiGHTS is basically a cat, technically a perfect predator but is adorable.
Nov 20 2016 06:27 PM
Happy 20th, NiGHTS... http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sos63k
Jul 05 2016 12:56 PM
The latest entry of Midnite Hour: The Dream Diary is out now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGuPuJ35Lh0
May 09 2016 11:33 PM