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~Tsuki~ → Tashayarna
*bounce* *bounce* *pounce* XD Hello~ <3's~ lol Hope your having a good weekend! ^__^v
Jul 07 2007 08:54 PM
Purgatory → Tashayarna
My god, how did you find that wretched thing?! XD
Yes, I have a Myspace, but I hardly ever use it. I'll add you up next time I get on. ^^;
Jun 28 2007 09:40 PM
Yes, I have a Myspace, but I hardly ever use it. I'll add you up next time I get on. ^^;
Tashayarna → Purgatory
*gasp* you have a Myspace account... I have one to...you must ADD MEE >_< lol
Jun 28 2007 07:38 PM
NiGHTS Hotel → Tashayarna
welcome to the random club=P u joined when u said random hello
Jun 28 2007 07:21 PM
Hello ^^ just to let everyone know that I’m going away on holiday on Friday! ^_^ so I wont be online for a while! Hope the weather gets better in the UK while I'm gone and all these horrible floods stop!! Take care everyone!
Jun 26 2007 09:33 PM