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Community Status Updates
DAiLiGHT → The wise Kitsune
Happeh birfdaez! I hopez yoo getz lotz o' birfdaez weeshies!
Aug 19 2008 07:49 PM
DiGi Valentine → The wise Kitsune
Thanks for the birthday wishes. Thank you. :)
Apr 10 2008 01:51 PM
The wise Kitsune → EB-G
Yes, its me. Im anticipating seeing the drawing! Im really excited!
Mar 20 2008 11:58 AM
EB-G → The wise Kitsune
That you Mindoe-Luvs-U?
Whats up?
I'm rough-sketching your character Grape^^ I try my best to finish it soon.
Mar 19 2008 01:42 AM
Whats up?
I'm rough-sketching your character Grape^^ I try my best to finish it soon.
TORiAS_the_fallen → The wise Kitsune
LOL! oops! SOrry! Wrong name! (my cousin was distracting me!)
Jan 19 2008 05:33 PM