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EZEKiAL → The wise Kitsune
Jul 09 2009 06:26 PM
TORiAS_the_fallen → The wise Kitsune
And, hello there Kitsune. Long time no see...
May 27 2009 06:10 PM
DiAmOnDs → The wise Kitsune
hehe...how cool.^^
my names end with a "A"
Nice to meet ya.
May 02 2009 01:52 AM
my names end with a "A"
Nice to meet ya.
DiAmOnDs → The wise Kitsune
You sound like me when I´m reading your side.
Is your reall name also Daniella?
May 02 2009 01:45 AM
You sound like me when I´m reading your side.
Is your reall name also Daniella?
The wise Kitsune → Musashi_HUmar
XD Yeah
There was a guitar I wanted, but it was 3,000 bucks. ;_;
Oct 19 2008 10:27 PM
There was a guitar I wanted, but it was 3,000 bucks. ;_;
Musashi_HUmar → The wise Kitsune
Hey, if you can get a good deal, that's a great thing!
Oct 19 2008 12:03 AM
The wise Kitsune → Musashi_HUmar
Awesome! I have a Squier Stratocaster. I got it for cheap though, lol.
Oct 17 2008 03:08 AM
Musashi_HUmar → The wise Kitsune
Right now, I only have a crappy Epiphone SG. Soon though, I'm getting a Gibson Les Paul.
Oct 17 2008 01:18 AM
Musashi_HUmar → The wise Kitsune
So I hear you wanna be a rockstar! AWESOME! I do too! I'm gonna be the greatest guitarist in the world! We should talk some time!
Oct 02 2008 08:43 PM
andersam → The wise Kitsune
not much cake, but an AWESOME tasting cupcake! That really made my day, thanks!
Sep 06 2008 08:07 PM