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~Tsuki~ → iLLViLLAiN
LOL @ the Rickroll. XD I totally fell for it. lol I actually like this song though. <3's~ I've now d/l it to my compy. Hehehe Don't worry about people getting mad about it.
Jul 11 2007 08:31 PM
~Tsuki~ → iLLViLLAiN
Happy Birthday~! <3's~ ^__^ *huggles* Hope you have a wonderful one and get everything you wish for.~
Jul 08 2007 11:05 PM
Purgatory → iLLViLLAiN
You're pretty cool, you always have something interesting/funny to say, when you post up. So happy birthday to some funny-ass guy who's birthday it is!
Jul 08 2007 08:23 PM
You're pretty cool, you always have something interesting/funny to say, when you post up. So happy birthday to some funny-ass guy who's birthday it is!
iLLViLLAiN → TehLazyOne
Thank you. I hope this age will be better than the last.
Jul 08 2007 12:10 PM
iLLViLLAiN → Purgatory
Thank you. You slightly made my day feel better with your recognizing my birthday.
Jul 08 2007 11:48 AM