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Community Status Updates
iLLViLLAiN → Cassandra Hikari
You'll probably never read this but Happy Birthday.
Jul 01 2008 10:00 PM
iLLViLLAiN → charlie
If you are the same NiGHTSCharlie that I subscribed to on the Tube you are freakin AWESOME!!!
May 04 2008 02:12 AM
iLLViLLAiN → Mysticgamer
Hello and welcome to the site. It's nice to have you :D
May 01 2008 12:20 AM
iLLViLLAiN → Lament
I'd love to see that novel when it's done. I'm usually good at spotting easter eggs. Okay that was a lie :( but anyway good to have you here :)
Apr 11 2008 07:50 PM