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Community Status Updates
Noctourne Wonderland → TRiPPY
Thank you!
Artist, website builder (and re-builder), and now wish-granting genie. Is there anything you can't do? :)
Oct 01 2009 06:30 PM
Artist, website builder (and re-builder), and now wish-granting genie. Is there anything you can't do? :)
TRiPPY → Noctourne Wonderland
Request granted. Added upload permissions to forum. Will tweak it 2moro.
Sep 30 2009 11:11 PM
Thanks, I finally got around to joining. [:
and yeah I'm from DA.
Sep 30 2009 10:47 PM
and yeah I'm from DA.
Welcome to the forums! Your name is familiar for some reason.... you from DA? :)
Sep 30 2009 10:42 PM
Noctourne Wonderland → TRiPPY
Is it possible to add a file attatchment thing to the Subs forum, like in the RPG forum? YouTube's eaten the quality of my AMVs, and it would make posting pictures much easier.
Sep 30 2009 08:50 PM
Sierra → TRiPPY
Have you eaten anything yet? If not I'm comin' ta gechoo. >:{ I dislike it when people I like don't eat nomnoms. :P You're more important than the website. ^^
Sep 29 2009 06:44 PM
apti → TRiPPY
rar, I be back in town! I had a funky dream that reminded me I hadn't poked my nose in here for a while =)
Sep 29 2009 05:27 PM