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Ealynn → TRiPPY
Thanks for your message, dear! ^_^ Oh, I wish I had more time to go and do a nights project... i have plans for a special music video, just not the time ;_;
Dec 11 2009 09:35 PM
andersam → TRiPPY
*randomly hugs just for the heck of it*
luv u TRiPPY! ((in a forumer-admin sorta way XD))
Nov 30 2009 10:53 PM
luv u TRiPPY! ((in a forumer-admin sorta way XD))
LĂ©lis → TRiPPY
I am trying to find some NiGHTS lovers here in Brazil to do videos for the DON'T FORGET NiGHTS. I have some crazy ideas, let's see what happens =D
Nov 23 2009 03:24 PM
Leonhart → TRiPPY
You red haired lady you.
Your signature scares me....deeply ._.
Nov 14 2009 10:37 AM
Your signature scares me....deeply ._.