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New Root Admin of the Forums

new admin dex la cabra

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Dex la Cabra

Dex la Cabra


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Hello hello hello!

Dex la Cabra here, letting you know that I'm now the Root Admin of the forums :) How's it going? Before I was just in control of the actual site but it's all systems go now! As the new caretaker of these Forums I want to hear from you guys on here, raise your hands and say hi! :) Now that I can mass email the members of the forums I will be setting up a giveaway or two soon, once funds allow it haha (i'm poor!) Though I will say that I have one down the line planned for the NiGHTS statues First4Figures currently have on pre-order. As for the other ones, well NiGHTS merchandise is very rare and expensive (as is shipping it to you all over the world) so I'm going to have posters and necklaces and those sorts of things made for giveaways. Giveaways focusing on one Nightmaren at a time might be an idea ;)


I will arrange a mini competition soon to see how I fare with it first though, I'll keep it small and personal. One of my fondest memories is of a contest Zero-Shift arranged where you could win volumes of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure which even now i thought was a great idea, sharing something he loved with everyone else :) Would you guys be interested in that sort of thing? [/owl] 


I hope to have something cooked up for you soon! In the meantime, stay frosty NiGHTS fans! :)



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I'm always up for the chance to win awesome things (but don't make yourself poor in the process! lol). As long as it's publicized enough hopefully that could be one way to get the community a little active again. I still have my JoJo issue I won from Zero's contest (as if I wouldn't)




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Hello Dex! :)




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I dunno where to go about this, but I think if logged in people could access chat from the forum so that people could hang out in the chat together. I think it would be really optimal!

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