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The Super Jackalope's Super Fanwork Topic!

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Jazz Jackalope

Jazz Jackalope


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http://thornbush.ath.cx/nights.html <-- this is the tidy little page where you can find most of my (finished) work so far. I have four pictures of the NiD characters in MLP:FiM style (still at least have to do Wizemare), and a short story.

http://thornbush.ath...php?f=25&t=1230 <-- Take Two, another (finished) story. It isn't mature or anything, but it is a bit sad.

I shall update as I stop my laziness.



    Crazy Regular

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There is something really charming about the standing Claris pony. It's uh... (for lack of a better word) "cute."

EDIT: I just read the Take Two story. You are a fantastic writer. That story grabs you and doesn't let go. It's rare that I'll read fanfiction but I'm happy I read this one. It may not be an official story but it adds depth to Claris' character.

Jazz Jackalope

Jazz Jackalope


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Thank you very much! I really put some soul into this story, so it's wonderful to hear that that effort showed. And nice to hear I can draw well enough to make something charming.

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