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#63000 What are you listening to right now?

Posted by Ventro on 17 September 2008 - 12:44 AM in Community Corner

Knock you out by LL cool

#61619 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 30 August 2008 - 12:18 AM in Nightmare

"They deserved it. Now, common I can't sense Droiture. You have to help me. I don't know where he is." Ventro said when he did a take off out of the cave and into the skys. Since, he noticed Kiera was still heavy, he had to turn into his griffon form to stay in the skies.

With a deep breath, Ventro made out a loud roar in the forest that caused the nightmarens to fly up in the air.

"That should hide our tracks if they follow." Ventro smiled with his brown flesy beak. Soon, the blasts were getting louder and Ventro had to dodge the firey balls of flames towards nightmare. He noticed the colossiuem still standing, but covered in rubble.

"Droiture!!!!" Ventro sqwacked loudly in the air. Ventro looked at Kiera with concern.

#61554 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 29 August 2008 - 06:58 PM in Nightmare

Ventro came back with his keys.

"Hey! Found anything?" Ventro asked the kiwis, but they sunk their heads in the blue feathers. "I figured that much. Come on." Ventro turned the kiwis back into charms and looked around.

"Droiture? Kiera?"
He looked around and only saw Reala and Jackle.

"They left the cave a while back insearch for that runt SiL" Jackle chuckled.

"Wait... you mean they left me with you two guys... Well, what's really going on...? Wizeman's not doing this. Why is nightmare falling apart?" he asked Jackle and Reala.

"Beats me! I've seen the world fall apart before, but it will eventually pass." Jackle stated.

#61150 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 24 August 2008 - 04:54 PM in Nightmare

Ventro looked at Kiera and Droiture looking at each other in conversation. He gave out a light yawn and stood up.

"Well, I'll let you guys discuss alone about these things. For me, I'm heading to the trainning room." Ventro stated and headed towards the door.

#62156 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 04 September 2008 - 10:52 PM in Nightmare

"Define worse?" he looked at Kiera. When he took his eyes off the nightmarens, one of them pushed the other nightmarens and a whole group of fights and arguments started up again.

"The Emperor of Nightmare will destroy us all!!!" one cried.

"We need to find a place to hide!" another yelled.

"We have no place to run!" the small bird nightmarens cried. The tree was filled with an uproar. Ventro made a loud sigh, and finally revealed the eye on his hand. Soon, the tree gradually became quiet again.

"That's your first warning! The second time I will do it." he glared at all the bird nightmarens. Finally, he went back to Kiera. "Well, a messenger gave me this letter with the elixer and a silver persona. She talked about the Emperor of Nightmares." Ventro said seriously. He gave the invitation to Kiera to a Nightmaren Ball HOnoring the Emperor of Nightmares.

#61285 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 26 August 2008 - 04:19 PM in Nightmare

"Less questions... More flying! Let's get out of here!" Ventro yelled trying to fly away from the blasts.

"Who on earth is attacking us if not Reala or Jackle?" Ventro thought rushing behind Droiture. He looked around quickly to find the source of the blast.

#62355 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 07 September 2008 - 04:16 AM in Nightmare

Soon, Ventro rolled over and the eye was not in Kiera's site anymore. He slightly coughed a bit, but he was still uncomfortable with the change in his appearance. He finally woke up again with a sigh and looked at Kiera.

"You having any problems sleeping?" he asked.

#62672 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 11 September 2008 - 02:32 AM in Nightmare

"Too crowded!" Ventro said.

"Tired talking this way!" One head stated.

"Keyraw still yucky!" the other head stated still spitting out the taste.

Soon, they entered into a room filled with bottles and vials in a circular display shelves. One of the shelves had a bunch of vials that Ventro drank before he mutated.

"RAID!!! Where are you?" Raja yelled from behind one of the shelves down a hallway.

#62609 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 10 September 2008 - 09:39 PM in Nightmare

Ventro tried to look around for Kiera, but he felt relieved when she was out of sight. Soon, Raja floated to a room and announced to the nightmarens inside. Ventro quickly floated into a room that was huge. Colorful lights were everywhere and the room was filled with all types of food. When she started the music, all the nightmarens started dancing in the room.

"Oh! This is interesting. This Emperor of NIghtmare is really creative." he thought while floating towards the food. He looked at the food carefully for anything suspicious.

"So, enjoying the party?" Raja popped up behind Ventro.

"Ahhhhh! Don't scare me like that. Isn't it rude to sneak up on quests." Ventro pointed out. Raja made a light laugh. Ventro didn't laugh. He gave her a seious look.

"Oh! I see you're hear for the cure aren't you? Right?" she remembered and pulled out a vial that was in her dress.
"This is all you need. Overall, I like the way you look though. Makes you look unique." she grinned. Ventro was about to grab the vial, but she snatched it away.

"No uh uh! First you got to dance with me." she gave a child like smile while she put the vial in her dress again. She quickly grabbed Ventro's hands and pulled him into the dance circle.

"I hope Kiera has better luck than I do." he screamed in his mind.

#62437 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 08 September 2008 - 01:01 AM in Nightmare

On the paper, it stated in small print,

Madame Rajas Formula

Created in the Emperor of Nightmare's Laboratory!

At the very bottom, it had a symbol of a black nightmare head with only one horn twisted on top of it. The eyes were red, but it had a creepy smile like a jack-o-lantern's smile.

#60797 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 20 August 2008 - 01:55 AM in Nightmare

Soon, they approached the colosseum entrance with no hassle and the ticket taker was still collecting tickets.

"The match is about to start tonight. Hurry up and bring your tickets." the ticket taker yelled.

"Come on! Let's get a great seat." Jackle grabbed Kiera and gave the ticket taker the ticket.


Not far away, the kiwi tried to lead Droiture to the colosseum outside of Nightmare's Realm.

" I hope nothing is going on tonight." the kiwi squeaked.

#62253 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 06 September 2008 - 12:04 AM in Nightmare

Ventro jumped when he heard Droiture come in. He noticed Droiture's shocking expression and caught the noise that sounded like chuckles.

"You think I look funny... Don't you...?" he glared at Droiture. Then, he finally tried to find a blanket and hid himself under it.

#60412 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 15 August 2008 - 02:40 AM in Nightmare

Jackle tried to patch Reala's wounds as best as he can. Unfortunately, he didit quite sloppily.

"Sorry Reala, but that's the best I can do in such short notice. Hmmm... Did I tell you who was I looking for?" Jackle questioned and pretended to be dumb for the fun of it.

#57284 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 13 July 2008 - 03:38 AM in Nightmare

Ventro didn't stop. He kept moving forward quickly without looking back. He didn't know what to say or respond to Droiture's question. All he could think about is avoiding it. When he thought he was far enough, he rested under the shadows of the trees.

"Good! I lost him. I can finally relax alone for a bit."he thought and smiled. Soon, he dozed off into a painful memory.

He remembered seeing Reala and Jackle talking to each other while he was hidding in Jackle's Realm.

"I want you to get rid of NiGHTS." Reala demanded. When Reala floated away from his Realm, Ventro floated towards Jackle.

"Boss Jackle... When are we going to play? I think I can beat you this time." Ventro said triumphantly with a deck of cards in his hand.

"Not Today Squirt! Come back when you see me deliver NiGHTS body to Master Wizeman." Jackle laughed.

Later, Ventro returned to Jackle's realm only to see him defeated. Jackle was serverly injured, and there was nothing left in him. He panted heavily looking at Reala floating before him.

"You're a disgrace to MASTER WIZEMAN! I'll make sure to dispose of such weak filth like you." Reala said angrily. Ventro dared not to move. He noticed Jackle still had that cocky smile even in pain.

"It's not like you can do a better job. You're no better than me." Jackle laughed crookedly.

"That's enough out of you! Rot in the VOID OF DEATH!!!" Reala yelled and circled around Jackle. An eerie black void opened under Jackle. Ventro was petrified while he watched Jackle sinking into the void.

"No! Boss Jackle!" Ventro yelled.

Suddenly, Ventro snapped back to reality. Cold sweat ran down his face while he panted fast. "How long was I out?" he asked himself. He noticed the area around him grew really quiet.

#57623 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 16 July 2008 - 05:58 PM in Nightmare

Suddenly, three large birds fell from the trees surrounding Droiture and Ventro. Each bird had a weird looking mightmaren ridding it.

"Great! It's Reala's stupid gaurds!" Ventro remembered.

"Haaaa! There you are! We got you now!" one of the gaurds yelled.

"Surrender Now! Or We'll make you kiss the ground." another gaurd threated.

"Reala will surely promote us if we turn them in." the last gaurd said gloriously.

#57150 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 12 July 2008 - 02:55 AM in Nightmare

Ventro stared hard at the Persona.

"Should I put it back on...? Mann... I hate to hear him again. I guess either now or never." he whispered to himself. Ventro quickly looked around and couldn't see anyone in the darkness.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt." he grinned. He decided to fly away from the cave til he was at a safe distance. When he put the persona on, there's a small speaker hidden in the feathers that allowed him to communicate with Wizeman or other nightmarens.

Suddenly, back in the realm of nightmares, Wizeman sensed that a nightmaren was wearing a persona.

"Hmmmmm... I recognize this one." Wizeman said angrily in his realm. "You! Speak Up! And tell me who you are?" he demanded.

"Don't get all angry just because I decided to speak with you." Ventro responded.

"You! I realized you were the one who's been killing nightmarens in the forest and stole Ideya that I need. I knew I should never let you run on your own. I demand you return home and surrender all the Ideya you took. I will assure your punishment won't be great. I'm sure your persona tells me that you are still loyal to me. " he compromised.

Ventro laughed, "Sorry Master, but I can't return home... yet. You know! I'm still on an investigation. You know what I mean." Ventro grinned.

"Quit with this foolish investigation. Reala is one of my perfect nightmarens. You should know." Wizeman argued.

"Yeah... Soo perfect that he set up Jackle to his own grave in a void. I'm telling you! He was jealious of Jackle when he was at the top of his game. Furthermore, you still refused to admit that you were also the reason for his demise Master. I'm going to find dirt on Reala soo bad that your own nightmares would hit you right in the back of your head." Ventro stated.

"Silence! How dare you talk back to me in that manner." Wizeman yelled angrily.

Ventro fell silent and looked around the area.

#56531 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 08 July 2008 - 02:30 AM in Nightmare

"Yawn! I don't even have to lift a finger with you around." Ventro leaned on a tree. He stretched himself up and floated towards Droiture.

"Nice Idea Droiture! Yet... one problem..." Ventro noticed. He looked at the path of killed nightmarens leading to where they are.

"I bet all these dead nightmarens won't arrise any suspicion right? Especially, when they are in a path." he said sarcastically. "No one is not going to fly around and say! Now... That's normal! A path of dead Nightmarens." he stated.

He let out a chuckle. "I don't know who to watch out for. The nightmarens in the forest or the person who's killing the nightmarens in the forest." he said jokingly.

#55632 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 01 July 2008 - 01:54 AM in Nightmare

"No problem!" He gave Droiture a thumbs up and looked at him with convern.

"Maybe a few features makes you look like him." He walked slowly around Droiture with a puzzled look. "but who am I to judge a nightmaren by the book or human nightmaren that is." He smiled and shrugged his arms. Then, he pondered about what Droiture problem.

"Well, maybe I can help." he smiled and shrunk his size down about a size of a leaf again. "I can spy on Reala for you and get what info you need." He started zooming around Droiture like an annoying fly.

"He won't know I was there." he laughed.

#57800 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 19 July 2008 - 12:46 AM in Nightmare

Ventro quickly moved and snuck behind Carl and Nick while they were distracted by Droiture's attack. He took off his gloves when he was right behind them. With eyes wide open, Carl, Frankie, and Nick watched Frankie's bird collapse on the ground. It turned into a puff of dark smoke where it fell. Carl and Nick pulled back when the bird disappeared. Slowly, Frankie tried to pick himself up.

"Get him!" he yelled, but Carl and Nick didn't budge.

"Are you mad? That thing... just sliced your bird... like it was paper." Nick studdered.

"Let's get out of here!" Carl yelled

"Cowards! What' will Reala say if we went back?" Franky argued. Suddenly, Ventro grabbed the birds from behind and yelled, "Ideya Drain!" .

The birds screeched and collapsed to the ground. Quickly, the guards picked themselves up and looked at Droiture. Then, they looked up at Ventro. Ventro laughed, "Now, what was that you said earlier about kissing the ground?"

#58368 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 24 July 2008 - 02:28 AM in Nightmare

Ventro dodged quickly before the Droiture's claw made any tear in his vest.

"So, that's how it is ahey!" Ventro narrowed his eyes in offense.

"Well, if you just want to waltz right in there and get what you want. Fine by me. That's all you seem to care about is Yourself! Just like Reala! I might not get a few things, but I'm not stupid either. I can take a hint. You're no different. No one else matters." Ventro yelled insulted by Droiture's statement. Soon, the storm started to pick up and lightening flashed outside the cave. The rain poured heavily making the forest look foggy.

"I don't care to stoop to your level by fighting. I'm out of here!" Ventro said angrily. Without hesitation, he flew away. The lightening flashed and Ventro was gone without a trace.

Meanwhile, Wizeman was furious of Reala's laziness.

"Reala!! REALA!!! What on earth are you doing? You haven't reported anything for days now. Did you put out more spy nightmarens in the forest?" Wizeman asked angrily.

#60220 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 12 August 2008 - 09:59 PM in Nightmare

Ventro gave a blank stare.

"I never had a decent conversation with him at all. Now without getting a scythe around my neck." Ventro thought in his mind.

"Well, I know who you're talking about. I know the guy. He's not too far from here. He was healing up when I last saw him. He should be done now. Let's go find him together." Ventro suggested and urged Angelica to climb on his back.

#60043 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 10 August 2008 - 11:43 PM in Nightmare

Ventro shook his head and looked at the strange card.

"There's no way he could be alive. I must of been hallucinating. There's no way he can come back from that void. It must be someone else." he thought in his mind and kept the card in his vest. With concern, he looked at the window to Reala's room from a far distance.

"I hope Droiture is alright. Nah... He'll be okay." Ventro thought. He suddenly caught site of the Moon Bar Kido was talking about.

"Well, Kido maybe annoying, but I guess I need to start my search some where." He stated and flew towards the bar.

#59873 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 09 August 2008 - 02:13 AM in Nightmare

Ventro focused the energy on his charm and increased their size to normal. Ventro looked at Droiture with concern.

"I really think this is a bad idea..." Ventro sighed. He jumped off the palanquin.

"I know you're going to rush in there like a mad dog." Ventro glared at Droiture. Then, he looked through the window.

#58841 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 30 July 2008 - 12:36 AM in Nightmare

"There you go making your scythe and powers talk." Ventro remarked back. Then, he hid behind a leaf to get a better view of the nightmarens surrounding the forest.

"It doesn't seem impossible, but it will be very tricky to get pass them and get out of the forest. Can you do that crystal thing to see which way is out of this forest? All I know is the place to nightmare."

#55314 Eye of the Storm

Posted by Ventro on 28 June 2008 - 02:30 AM in Nightmare

In the area, there was a thick gray tree with a hole in the middle, but it was covered with vines. Ventro woke up from his sleep when he heard something rustling lightly in the trees.

"What's going on?" He thought while he dusted the twigs and leaves off his blue and yellow hat and his light blue vest that had silver trimming. His purple eyes waved back and forth with concern, and his brown fur ruffled up with shock. He checked the five gems on his blue Ideya gloves to see if they were glowing on his long claw like hands. With curiosity, he floated from his nest quietly to the hole inside the tree and took a peek through the vines. He saw a strange nightmaren, but it was too far to take any notice that he's watching.

"Hmmm... I guess that's one of wizeman's lackys again stealing Ideya. I hope he has some.". He thought. He stretched his body and made a quiet yawn before he floated out of his hole. The branch that he landed on made a quiet creek sound. His tail waved as the wind blew. He had a good view of the nightmaren.

"Eeek... looks like a level one nightmaren. I might need to be careful around those. I'm not too interested in fighting I just needed to steal the Ideya from under his nose." He whispered silently to himself. He remembered that he was less on strength. He shrunk his size down to a size of a tree leaf and floated towards the area where he saw the strange nightmaren. Small blueish purple sprakles followed him, but it was small that it looked like a small flicker of dust. He spied on the nightmaren in a bush and landed on the branches.