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Vinushka's Content

There have been 2 items by Vinushka (Search limited from 06-May 23)

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#100796 Have you crossed into the 8th generation yet?

Posted by Vinushka on 28 December 2014 - 05:12 AM in Community Corner

I got a PS4 and it's honestly been gathering dust compared to my PS3. There's just not that much out for it that's really drawing me to it. Only thing that has been is Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends: Complete Edition, and honestly I'm a bit disappointed in that game since they ditched the narrator for Story mode since I actually really dig the DW storyline.


I've been playing my PS3 a whole much more, and I'm looking forward to a lot of stuff on Wii U (like Hyrule Warriors cause it's KOEI ZELDA) moreso...it's a little strange.

#100754 Um, h-hi!

Posted by Vinushka on 12 July 2014 - 01:10 AM in Introduce Yourself

Hi everyone!


I guess I could say I'm joining 9 years late. XD I've wanted to play NiGHTS for ages, I've been curious ever since I saw a link on a little site called "Secrets of  Sonic Team", but I could never get it - either no one around me owned a Saturn, or when I finally found a copy, our Saturn was missing the cables and I still couldn't. I forgot about it but a few months ago I saw it on PSN and decided, well, finally I'm going to do it. Do what I was always curious of doing.



I'm glad I did, hehe. Hearing  Message  From Nightopia brings back so many memories of happier times, back when I was in Venezuela and I was carefree enough to spend hours farming rings for my Chao with my cousin...but that's neither here nor there, I suppose. I never knew what that whole pinball table was until recently... And watching Claris' FMV...well, it came at a good time in my life.



It seems nice here, even if a lot of people are gone. But I think that might still turn around!


I am a lot of things. Bright and cheerful...well, most of the time! I play a lot of Final Fantasy XI (I'm on Leviathan server!), and I used to play League of Legends a bunch before I realized how much of my time was sinking away into there without me getting much out of it. I've recently gotten into fighting games too, even though as a kid I was always scared of them because I thought I would just perpetually suck. A lot of King of Fighters (Hinako is the best *_*)


As for music, I like a whole bunch of stuff, but recently I've been listening to a lot of William Onyeabor, and ever since I found out about Yellow Magic Orchestra a few months ago while making sushi (long story), I've been hooked - they're brilliant.


I'm a programmer, and I've been forced into doing web design as part of what I'm doing over the summer, even though all I really want to do is write backend code. I've even helped write code for a friend's online card game! I really enjoy it, even if the code I do can get a little tedious at times, as are the people I write the code for.


Anyway, enough rambling. Hiya!