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RareWishes's Content

There have been 5 items by RareWishes (Search limited from 05-May 23)

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#100137 Contest winners!

Posted by RareWishes on 08 November 2012 - 09:31 PM in [ARCHiVED] Events, campaigns and news

I totally understand!

I was a little worried because there was a situation at my apartment that led me to suspect a package had been stolen, but this update makes me feel much better.

No rush!

#100111 Selling NiGHTS poster + Comic

Posted by RareWishes on 03 November 2012 - 04:35 PM in NiGHTS chit-chat

If you have time to share the story, I was wondering where the poster came from? It's really cool, and you said you went through a lot to get it?

#100105 Contest winners!

Posted by RareWishes on 02 November 2012 - 08:24 PM in [ARCHiVED] Events, campaigns and news

Congrats to everyone! :D

I know that there are a few winners are on these forums, and I was wondering if anyone's received their prizes yet? I thought we'd have seen a few pillowcase pictures by now! :P

#99973 NiGHTS PS3 theme

Posted by RareWishes on 12 October 2012 - 01:24 AM in NiGHTS chit-chat

I certainly purchased NiGHTS into Dreams, and yet the PSN is asking me to pay for the premium theme. There's a chance something went awry when you got it and you didn't have to pay.

#99881 Contacting Sega about the control problems

Posted by RareWishes on 09 October 2012 - 06:32 PM in NiGHTS chit-chat

I agree with those who said we should ask TRiPPY and DiGi before complaining to Sega about ANYTHING related to NiGHTS.

As an example of what I'm afraid of, I once attended an anime convention where artists overwhelmed staff with complaints about the Artist's Alley, with some even demanding refunds for their tables... so what did the staff do? They didn't listen to the artists' demands. The following year, the staff cut the Alley down to half its size and began only allowing artists they personally knew and trusted to get a table. It was no longer based on artistic merit.

This example doesn't perfectly translate to the issue at hand, but I'm worried about Sega punishing us NiGHTS fans just like those artists were punished. It's like, "You wanted NiGHTS, and we gave you exactly what you wanted, but you're STILL complaining about NiGHTS?" They may be especially sensitive to negative feedback about the game because they think Journey of Dreams incurred a lot of criticism for the franchise. Also, keep in mind who developed the controls- my understanding is that DiGi and TRiPPY worked on them. There's a possibility that, if you complain to customer service, they'll interpret your criticism for the game more broadly and assume the game is being criticized overall, not just the specific issue of the controls. Truths are bent and lost as they travel from person to person, especially if customer service representatives don't have a good handle on the issue. TRiPPY and DiGi are well-acquainted with NiGHTS and the fanbase, though. If anyone would hear us out for real without just assuming we're complaining about the franchise as a whole, it's them.

I just don't want NiGHTS to receive another failure. We can't help if other people who have bought the game complain, but we have to be more responsible and treat NiGHTS as best as we can because we know how to- TRiPPY and DiGi are here with us, and they see what we're saying. We CAN talk to them and give them feedback. We should give them a little credit and rely on them as ambassadors for the fanbase. They will help us if we let them, and like Duplex said, they know "the ins and outs of Sega". They will have the best sense of how to handle and present any criticism about the game.